WITH NO END IN MIND | Recent Graduates of Hartford MFA

WITH NO END IN MIND | Recent Graduates of Hartford MFA
EXHIBITION: September 21–30, 2023
ARTIST’S RECEPTION: September 23, 7–9 PM
With No End in Mind features ten photographers, all recent graduates of the Hartford Art School’s MFA in Photography program. The exhibition offers a selection of each artist’s larger body of work made in the last two years. Portraiture, landscape, and non-representational abstraction, in color and in black-and-white, investigate a personal response to both the limits and possibilities of documentary style photography. The wall works evoke wider explorations that can be seen in each artist’s individually crafted photo books, also on display.
With No End in Mind speaks to a practice of intentionality - the aspiration to stay present while engaging with the world. To go out each day and to see with fresh eyes, to allow the world to show us what it might offer in each moment, beyond expectation, beyond preconception, or what we might assume to already know.