OF LIGHT AND DARK IV: Big A Little A | Mecca Vazie Andrews

OF LIGHT AND DARK IV: Big A Little A | Mecca Vazie Andrews
Saturday, November 28, 2015
With this performance, Of Light and Dark IV: Big A Little A, by using sound and movement, Andrews intends to gather up the facts of energy and history that lie in the gravel of the space known as Indian Alley and sonically make amends for the situation that was and still is at hand—to switch the BIG A and LITTLE A, bringing light and a physical voice to a history people often only whisper about. This performance is scored to a soundscape of anarcho-punk, interspaced with repeated mantra-like phrases. When read together, the song lyrics and mantras relate the story of silencing bloodshed and grievances, putting into action a metaphysical visceral hurricane which culminates in peace, with the hope that the spirit of Indian Alley hears it and knows we will never forget.