Louder Than Bombas by Brenda Montaño is a personal examination of the author's relationship with race, white supremacy and The Smiths/Morrissey.
From the author/creator of Louder Than Bombas, Brenda Montaño:
"This Zine does not exist to prove that Morrissey is a racist. It is not meant to discourage people from continuing to build their love for Morrissey and the Smiths. I made this Zine in order to further understand the obvious relationship we Brown Folks, Raza, Xicanas y Xicanos, have to both the man and the music.
I’m writing to place the music that’s saved so many lives into context with the reality of white supremacy, of cultural hegemony and unrelenting patriarchy. Because if you don't already know, these things are alive and well!" Self-published, 2016.
Softcover, 20pg. B&W photocopy
5.5" x 8.5"